Once Again Kind of Weird but Not a Sin Priest Once Again Kind of Weird but Not a Sin

The Cosmic Church claims that it is the oldest Christian Church in the earth, dating back to Jesus himself. In the time that the Church has been on globe, many unusual traditions have arisen. While nearly of them seem perfectly normal to Catholics, to not-Catholics they frequently seem outright baroque. This is a listing of the ten about bizarre aspects of Catholicism. In no detail order:

SEE ALSO: Meridian 10 Misconceptions About The Catholic Church

x Stigmata

Saint Pio of Peitrelcina

Stigmata is when a person has unexplained wounds on their body that coincide with the traditional wounds that Christ had. In some cases the wounds can announced in simply i or two of the areas, but there have been instances of information technology occurring in all five places that Christ was wounded. The wounds can cause considerable pain which has been known to worsen on certain religious feast days. There have been occasional cases of falsified stigmata in the past and some people merits that even those which are not proven to be falsified are somehow role of a hoax.

The photograph above is of Saint Pio of Pietrelcina (Canonized in 2002) who is the virtually recent stigmatic in the Catholic Church. Saint Pio is the latest in a long line of famous stigmatics – the most famous of whom is probably St Francis of Assisi. Writing to his spiritual manager, Saint Pio said:

Then last nighttime something happened which I can neither explain nor understand. In the middle of the palms of my hands a red mark appeared, virtually the size of a penny, accompanied by acute pain in the eye of the carmine marks. The pain was more pronounced in the middle of the left paw, and so much so that I can still feel it. Besides under my anxiety I can feel some hurting.

It is also alleged that Saint Pio was able to bi-locate (appear in two places at once) and to read the sins on a person's soul.

9 The Cilice


A cilice is an particular worn on the torso to inflict hurting or discomfort for the sake of penance (remorse for your by actions). Originally a cilice was an undergarment made of rough hair (such as a hairshirt) or cloth. In recent times it has been seen as more unimposing to wear a chain which has spikes on it. Contrary to popular belief, the cilice does not pause the skin – it but causes discomfort. It is usually worn around the thigh.

The Catholic Encylopedia of 1913 says:

"In modernistic times the use of the hairshirt [(cilice)] has been generally bars to the members of sure religious orders. At the present day only the Carthusians and Carmelites wear it by rule; with others information technology is only a matter of custom or voluntary mortification."

In recent years the cilice has gained a bully deal of publicity due to the book The Da Vinci Code in which information technology is worn by the master antagonist of the story – though in the story it is exaggeratedly described as causing wounds. Wearing the cilice has ever been an optional practice for Catholics. Some famous people in the past to take worn them are Saint Thomas More and Saint Patrick.

8 The Flagrum


The Flagrum is a type of scourge with small hard objects attached to the length of its cords. Information technology is traditionally used to whip oneself (self-flagellation) and is most commonly found in conservative religious orders. The flagrum is held in 1 hand and thrown over the shoulder in order to cause the cords to strike the flesh. The purpose of self-flagellation is voluntary penance and mortification of the flesh (a safeguard against committing farther sins).

The most famous Saint to apply the flagrum is probably Saint John Vianney, who would give his parishoners very light penances in confession so flog himself in privacy for their benefit (it is believed past Catholics that acts of penance can be offered for the sins of other living people or the souls of the expressionless). When Saint John Vianney died, the walls of his bedroom had spatterings of blood on them from his extreme use of the flagrum.

Co-ordinate to the Catholic Encyclopedia:

"St. Peter Damian (died 1072) […] wrote a special treatise in praise of cocky-flagellation; though blamed past some contemporaries for backlog of zeal, his instance and the high esteem in which he was held did much to popularize the voluntary use of the scourge or "discipline" as a ways of mortification and penance."

Most Catholics who practice this course of subject area volition not admit information technology publicly as information technology would be seen as a lack of humility that could pb to the sin of pride.

seven Confraternities of the String


The third, (and final) of the penance-related objects, the Confraternities of the Cord are groups who wear a knotted string around their waist as a form of penance and in social club to help prevent future sins. The cord can exist worn loosely in remembrance of the Saint for whom the string is named, or information technology tin exist worn tight enough to crusade hurting, equally has been the case with numerous saints in history.

St Joseph, St Francis, St Thomas, and St Augustine, St Nicholas, and St Monica all have Confraternities of the String named after them. The Catholic Encylopedia says:

In the early on Church building virgins wore a cincture as a sign and emblem of purity, and hence it has ever been considered a symbol of chastity as well as of mortification and humility. The wearing of a cord or cincture in honor of a saint is of very ancient origin, and nosotros find the first mention of information technology in the life of St. Monica.

The various confraternities differ in the number of knots on the cord.

vi Relics

06 08 28 Relic Augustine

Relic of St Augustine

Relics are objects related to Saints. There are three categories of relics (from wikipedia):

1st Class

Items directly associated with the events of Christ's life (manger, cross, etc.), or the physical remains of a saint (a os, a hair, a limb, etc.). Traditionally, a martyr's relics are often more prized than the relics of other saints. Too, some saints relics are known for their extraordinary incorruptibility and and so would have high regard. It is important to notation that parts of the saint that were significant to that saint's life are more prized relics. For instance, Male monarch St. Stephen of Republic of hungary's right forearm is especially important because of his status every bit a ruler. A famous theologian's head may be his most of import relic.

2nd Grade

An item that the saint wore (a sock, a shirt, a glove, etc.) Also included is an particular that the saint endemic or frequently used, for example, a crucifix, book etc. Again, an item more important in the saint's life is thus a more important relic.

tertiary Form

Anything which has touched a commencement or 2d class relic of a saint.

In order to prevent abuses, Catholic Church constabulary (Catechism Law) forbids the sale of Relics (Tin can. 1190 §1). Catholics venerate relics in the same style as they venerate images, statues, and saints. This is often dislocated for idol worship, but veneration is actually the deed of giving respect, rather than the act of worshipping which is forbidden. By canon law at that place must be a relic in the chantry stone of any altar in a Catholic Church upon which Mass is to exist offered.

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Catholics believe that when a person sins, they have two punishments to endure – eternal (Hell) and temporal (punishment by suffering on earth or in Purgatory). Indulgences are special deportment that a person can perform in guild to reduce or remove the temporal punishment they are owed. The idea backside information technology is that sure acts of holiness can take the place of punishment. Indulgences must exist declared by the Pope.

There are two types of indulgence: Plenary (removes all temporal punishment) and fractional (removes some punishment). A partial indulgence can be for a specific number of days or years. Some indulgences simply apply to the souls in Purgatory but any personal indulgences can as well exist offered for those souls, rather than your own. An instance of an indulence is: "An indulgence, applicable simply to the Souls in Purgatory, is granted to the faithful, who devoutly visit a cemetery and pray, even if only mentally, for the departed. The indulgence is plenary each twenty-four hours from the 1st to the eighth of November; on other days of the year it is partial." (from the Enchiridion of Indulgences).

During the center ages, a number of Bishops and Priests, seeking to brand coin, told people that they could pay for indulgences. This abuse partly contributed to the sparking off of the protestant reformation. While the Catholic Church tried to suppress this behavior, it took a great deal of fourth dimension for the traffic in indulgences to cease completely.

Information technology is quite common for the Pope to announce new indulgences from fourth dimension to fourth dimension, to mark special occasions – such equally the Jubilee in which Pope John Paul II granted a plenary indulgence.

4 The Existent Presence


The Existent Presence is the term used to describe the bread and wine in a Cosmic Mass. Catholics believe that later on the words of consecration have been spoken by the Priest, the breadstuff (host) and vino change their substance to become the body and blood of Jesus. It is considered by Catholics, therefore, to be appropriate to worship and adore the inverse objects. This is oftentimes seen as idol worship by non-Catholics as they do not believe the alter of substance has occurred.

Because of this belief, Catholics accept a special ceremony chosen Benediction, in which a consecrated host is placed in an ornate case called a monstrance and the people are blest with information technology and kneel and pray before it. you can run into an paradigm of Pope Bridegroom Xvi blessing people with a monstrance here.

An interesting side note is that it is believed that the modern term "hocus pocus" comes from an abnormality of the words used by a priest at the moment of the consecration, in which he says: "Hoc est enim corpus Meum" meaning "for this is My body".

3 Exorcism

Italy Exorcism Class .Sff Alt105 20050217122309

Exorcism is the practice of evicting demons or other evil spiritual entities from a person or place which they are believed to have possessed (taken control of). Solemn exorcisms, according to the Catechism police of the church building, can only be exercised past an ordained priest (or college prelate), with the express permission of the local bishop, and only after a careful medical examination to exclude the possibility of mental illness. The Cosmic Encyclopaedia says:

"Superstition ought not to exist confounded with religion, yet much their history may exist interwoven, nor magic, however white it may be, with a legitimate religious rite"

During the ritual of exorcism, the priest commands the devils within the body of the afflicted to leave and uses a number of blessings with Holy Water and oils. To listen to two authentic recordings of exorcisms, visit the Height 10 Incredible Recordings. Of interesting note, the Cosmic Church gave permission for a priest to appear in the film The Exorcist on the grounds that is was true to the methods used by the Church to decide whether an exorcism is warranted. A much more than indepth commodity on exorcism including audio, videos, and images tin can be found here.

2Papal Infallibility

Venerable Pope Pius XII

Roman Catholics believe that, under certain circumstances, the pope is infallible (that is, he can non brand a mistake). The Cosmic Church defines three atmospheric condition under which the Pope is infallible:

I. The Pope must be making a prescript on matters of faith or morals
II. The declaration must be bounden on the whole Church building
3. The Pope must be speaking with the full authorisation of the Papacy, and non in a personal capacity.

This means that when the Pope is speaking on matters of science, he can make errors (every bit we have seen in the past with bug such as Heliocentricity). Still, when he is education a affair of religion and the other 2 atmospheric condition to a higher place are met, Catholics consider that the decree is equal to the Word of God. It tin not contradict whatever previous declarations and information technology must be believed past all Catholics. Catholics believe that if a person denies any of these solemn decrees, they are committing a mortal sin – the type of sin that sends a person to hell. Here is an example of an infallible decree from the Council of Trent (under Pope Pius V):

If anyone denies that in the sacrament of the most Holy Eucharist are contained truly, really and essentially the body and blood together with the soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, and consequently the whole Christ, merely says that He is in it only equally in a sign, or figure or force, let him be abomination.

The last section of the final sentence "permit him be anathema" is a standard phrase that normally appears at the stop of an infallible argument. It ways "let him exist cursed".

i The Scapular


The Scapular is a blazon of necklace worn by many Catholics. It is worn across the scapular bones (hence its proper name) and it consists of two pieces of wool connected by string. I piece of wool rests on the back while the other piece rests on the chest. When a Catholic wishes to wear the scapular, a Priest says a prepare of special prayers and blesses the scapular. This just occurs the start time a person wears one.

For wearing the scapular, Catholics believe that Mary, the mother of Jesus, volition ensure that they practise non die a horrible expiry (for instance by burn down or drowning) and that they will have access to a priest for confession and the last rites before they die. As a condition for wearing the scapular and receiving these benefits, the Catholic must say sure prayers every day. The Cosmic Encyclopedia says this:

According to a pious tradition the Blest Virgin appeared to St. Simon Stock at Cambridge, England, on Sunday, 16 July, 1251. In answer to his appeal for help for his oppressed gild, she appeared to him with a scapular in her mitt and said: "Accept, beloved son this scapular of thy order every bit a badge of my confraternity and for thee and all Carmelites a special sign of grace; whoever dies in this garment, will non endure everlasting fire. It is the sign of salvation, a safeguard in dangers, a pledge of peace and of the covenant".

The brown scapular, known as the Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel is the about normally worn scapular, though others do exist. When the scapular is worn out it is either buried or burnt and a new ane is worn in its place.

Jamie Frater

Jamie is the founder of Listverse. When he's not doing research for new lists or collecting historical oddities, he can be institute in the comments or on Facebook where he approves all friends requests!

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Source: https://listverse.com/2007/09/12/top-10-bizarre-aspects-of-catholicism/

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