Funny Questions to Ask Couples for Photoshop

The best list you will find for our couple questions game. We have 1000+ fun couples questions to use whether you're in person or online.

Even if you are married and have been together for a while, it keeps things fresh and fun! This works great if you are in a long distance relationship and want to stay connected.

We all change our opinions about different subjects over time, which makes for surprising answers.

So have fun learning how well you know your partner.

Couples game questions

  1. Is there something you always wanted to ask me, but never did?
  1. What is something that you would like to share with me?
  1. How much time do you like to spend with your extended family?
  1. Who do you admire the most in your family?
  1. What do you consider a "white lie"?
  1. Who has a better sense of direction, you or me?
  1. When you think of the trips you have taken, what is your most vivid memory?
  1. If you found $50 in your pocket, what would you buy with it?
  1. What goal do you have for yourself this year?

couple questions game infographic

  1. What was the worst argument that you have ever had?
  1. What do you think is your best quality?
  1. If you make your mind up about something, do you follow through?
  1. What was the most creative thing that you have ever created?
  1. What chore do you enjoy the most?
  1. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  1. What would be your dream way to spend your birthday?
  1. What music takes you back to your teen years?
  1. What is your favorite comedy, drama, suspense, horror movie?
  1. Would you ever go to a psychic?
  1. Have you ever experienced anything "supernatural?"
  1. What do you think will happen to you after you die?
  1. Do you think that you are a generous person?
  1. What Marvel superpower would be the coolest?
  1. Who was your celebrity crush when you were younger?
  1. Do you have any survival skills?
  1. If you had the choice to visit the past, what time period would you visit?
  1. How many pets have you taken care of, throughout your life?
  1. What is or should be our song?

questions game

Couples questions game

  1. Do you believe that things happen for a reason or do you think life is more random?
  1. What activity do you really enjoy?
  1. What are your favorite family traditions?
  1. What sport or activity would you love to try sometime?
  1. How much time would you like to travel per year? Would that be a goal of yours?
  1. Would you ever like to rent different Airbnbs around the world or travel around in an RV?
  1. Do you like relaxing/sightseeing vacations or adventure/hiking vacations?
  1. Which is the best description of your faith. Agnostic, atheist, religious or spiritual?
  1. How many kids do you see in your future?
  1. What are your all time favorite foods?

201 Deep Questions to Ask that Uncover Hidden Thoughts

couple game questions infographic

How well do you know your partner game questions?

  1. Where was our first kiss?
  1. Where was our first date?
  1. When did you fall in love with me?
  1. What would I do if I won the lottery?
  1. What was it that attracted you to me when we first met?
  1. What makes me angry?
  1. What do you do that always makes me happy?
  1. What do I find romantic?
  1. How would I like to spend a romantic evening?
  1. Does your life look like you thought it would at this point in time?
  1. Would I rather have a gift or time spent together?
  1. How much have I changed since we first got together?

We have 125 questions specifically to ask to find out if your partner has been paying attention!

125+ "How Well Do You Know Me?" Questions for Couples

250 Best Questions to Get to Know Someone (really!)

What are question games for couples?

We have thousands of questions for you to use on your couple questions game night.

Below we have a free printable that you can use to have physical cards.

You can also use the questions from our posts and simply alternate asking questions using your phone or computer.

36 questions to fall in love FREEBIE

100 Relationship Questions that are Deep & Eye-Opening!

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Amazon offers many couple questions games that are fun for date nights.

questions for couples

 Intimate questions for couples

  1. When we give massages, what is your favorite place to focus on?
  1. What would you like to do more often as a couple?
  1. What is your favorite sex position?
  1. Are there any fantasies that you would like to try sometime?
  1. What type of lingerie do you find sexy?
  1. Name an unconventional place that you would like to have sex?
  1. What do you find sexy about me?
  1. Who is a more jealous person, you or me?
  1. Is cheating an absolute deal breaker?
  1. Why do people fall out of love?
  1. What lesson did you learn from a previous relationship?
  1. What do you think makes a happy relationship?
  1. What are the most important things that keep a couple together for 25 or 50 years?
  1. What do you find yourself thinking about the most on an average day?
  1. What are you the proudest of?

69, How often would you like us to have sex?

70, What changes do you see happen in couples that tend to break them apart?

Create intimacy by asking more couple questions listed below.

110 Good Questions to Ask to Increase Intimacy

Questions game

Best Couple Games for an Extra Fun Date Night

Fun couple questions

  1. Have you ever cheated when playing games or sports?
  1. When was the last time that you wore a tux or gown?
  1. What drove you crazy about your parents when you were a kid?
  1. If you have siblings, what was the meanest thing that you ever did to them?
  1. What scared you so much, that you remember screaming?
  1. What skill should you know, that you don't?
  1. What famous person would you trade places with for a month?
  1. Do you sing in the shower?
  1. If you could blink and be anywhere in the world, where would you be?

80, What series/shows do you never get tired of no matter how many times you have watched them?

  1. Do you remember a nightmare that really freaked you out?
  1. Do you think that I am easy to figure out?
  1. What talent do you think I should cultivate?
  1. What am I not so good at?

145 This or That Questions for Couples

fun couple questions

Fun questions for couples

  1. How would you spend your time if you had only one week to live?
  1. What do you love that I do for you?
  1. What's your first choice: a cocktail, a beer or a glass of wine?
  1. Was there something that you drank when you were younger, that makes you sick to think about it today?
  1. What stresses you out when traveling?

90, What weird quirk do you have?

  1. Have you ever had a nemesis?
  1. Would you ever want to go into space if given the opportunity?
  1. If you were to be taught by a famous chef, what type of food would you love to master?
  1. Would you rather stay up till 2am or get up in the morning at 4am?
  1. What makes you really dislike a person?
  1. How long can you lay on the sofa and not move?
  1. Would you change your work schedule if given the opportunity?
  1. Are you organized with your important papers/items?
  1. Is there something about yourself that you are working to change?
  1. If your friends could describe you in one word, would it likely be trustworthy, loyal, smart, fun or ambitious?

Funny Would you Rather Questions to ask Couples and Friends

95 Random Questions to Ask for Fun Conversations

Conclusion couple questions game

We love asking questions and believe it's the quickest way to get to know someone's real thoughts.

You never want to feel like you are interrogating your partner or date. That's why turning it into a game and asking these fun questions for couples, solves that problem.

Have fun and enjoy, we have enough questions to choose from that will make your date nights extra special!

101 Interesting Questions to Ask for Engaging Conversations


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